Author: admin

  • SIGGRAPH 2005 – Day 5

    SIGGRAPH 2005 Picture Page 5 —Well this is going to be a summary of an even longer day. Tuesday at SIGGRAPH — The exhibition opened at 10am so we waited for a bit up in the Media lounge where I could look down on the Hash booth. And yes these guys are friends of mine…

  • SIGGRAPH 2005 – Day 4

    SIGGRAPH 2005 Picture Page 4 —Well this is going to be a summary of a pretty long day. Monday at SIGGRAPH — So this guy grew up in Strongsville – and yes I forgot his name – you know 16 hours ago I was sure I would remember it. — Its Shylo Smith and Sean…

  • SIGGRAPH 2005 – Day 3

    SIGGRAPH 2005 Picture Page 3 —Well this is going to be a summary of a pretty long day. Sunday at SIGGRAPH — Here we are at 8am getting ready to meet at the Chapter’s Booth. — She didn’t want her picture taken but after all she gave me the press pass and I have an…

  • SIGGRAPH 2005 – Day 2

    SIGGRAPH 2005 Picture Page 2 — So I found a way to get online tonight so I am posting again – so here is the rest of Saturday! — Here I am with Salaam (whose name I almost spelled wrong – but i figured he is like a foot taller than me and could kick…

  • SIGGRAPH 2005 – Day 1

    SIGGRAPH 2005 Picture Page 1 Here we go again!! — Flying into LA. Jenny – getting ready to attend her first SIGGRAPH. — The shuttles even welcome us to the conference. — At the Friday night dinner we get to meet all the other chapter leaders. Great italian food! — Look! Its Genevieve and Jim.…

  • SIGGRAPH 2003 – Day 5

    SIGGRAPH 2003 Picture Page 5 — Hope you enjoyed yesterday’s update. Sorry for the delay in posting again. I needed to sleep in. — I always have wanted to meet Jim Blinn and he was nice enough to let me take him picture. — Talk about putting your money where your mouth is. The globe…

  • SIGGRAPH 2003 – Day 4

    SIGGRAPH 2003 Picture Page 4 — Hope you enjoyed yesterday’s update. Sorry for the delay in posting , I had a hell of a day today. — Today was the start of the educator’s program. Remember my slide that said hero or goat? The guy who said my files would transfer to speak. Goat. They…

  • SIGGRAPH 2003 – Day 3

    SIGGRAPH 2003 Picture Page 3 — Hope you enjoyed yesterday’s update. Had a hell of a day today. — The exhibit doors opened and the vultures descended. I didn’t really work the floor too much today. It is pretty small you can see all 4 walls at once. — I went up to the guerilla…

  • SIGGRAPH 2003 – Day 2

    SIGGRAPH 2003 Picture Page 2 — Hi all, sorry for the delays in posting yesterday, lots of technical difficulties. I hope there is no delays today. Good stuff not as many pictures as yesterday though. — The press folks from New Zealand were very helpful to me this morning and let me test the site…

  • SIGGRAPH 2003 – Day 1

    SIGGRAPH 2003 Picture Page 1 — Hi all, sorry for the delay in posting. This first day has been a Long one. Stick around there is some good stuff. — So in the airport in Cleveland I run into Jurgen Faust from the Cleveland Institute of Art on his way to San Diego. I will…