SIGGRAPH 2003 – Day 3

Picture Page 3

Hope you enjoyed yesterday’s update. Had a hell of a day today.

The exhibit doors opened and the vultures descended.

I didn’t really work the floor too much today. It is pretty small you can see all 4 walls at once.

I went up to the guerilla studio. It was very nice well equipped and looked like fun.

Some hands on thing with melted something. I didn’t try it.

I did sign up and try the lenticular demo and have a little flipper of myself with and without my 3D glasses on.

Helen wanted to show me some software so I downloaded a castle picture of mine to try to increase the quality.

The 3 crazy ladies.

For the fashion show. Something about a giant spider leg thingy.

Unwrapped objects. I have seen this before its like taking a panorama of an object.

Head mounted display.

The nice volunteer who signed me up or the lenticular thing.

They had another room with the bigger rigs like this motion capture stuff.

And this very nice 3D wall sized screen.

And a wonderful large sized printer.

Nice guy with a mohawk saying hi.

And some 3D printouts.

I went to speaker prep to get ready for my talk tomorrow. I used the Mac but its a cross platform talk.

Hero or Goat? We find out tomorrow if my files are on the system.

I went back for the Adobe Atmospheres demonstration.

The massage guys are back thank goodness!!!

Marshall Hash explaining the product.

SIGGRAPH Radio? Yup broadcast on the Internet I bet.

They are raffling off demonstration of this fully immersive environment.

Will Vinton. The man. I shook his hand. He was very nice and talking to Martin Hash.

So people ride around the bed part on the right while the unit sails around and music is played all around. Live too there was a digereedoo and a bassoon.

Some impressive legos.

I like the sign.

I hate volleyball but it is nice to see people playing/

This guy liked this artwork.

The EMT on staff at the conference center. A professional lifesaver.

So I got one of theses amazing hard-shell and ergonomic backpacks. He is her ladder because otherwise they need to call a union guy. Pretty funny.

The pack in action.

Visit this guy’s online comic

Dr. John Clochesy from back home at Case.

Security tried to throw me out. I think I could take him.

But before I left I said hi to the Eyeon guys.


Instead of having a regular party the Hash guys did a little road trip.

Here we are in Tijuana.

Authentic Tacos and Fanta Orange. They were excellent.

This was a hellava party down in the baja.

Interesting architecture. They said it was an hourly hotel.

A little drunk and very flashing.

Look, the flinstones car.

So he is smiling case he is such a smart ass.

He speaks Spanish and when I asked him to ask the price of something he kept talking to the guy and then patted me on my cheeks.

It turns out he told the guy I was retarded so he would lower his price.

After a fun adventure we head back on the bus to the border.

Back in San Diego we had to hike back from the train station. We ended taking a detour that involved jumping a few fences and cutting around the ballpark.

Then on the ground there were these black shoes.

Tell me he wasn’t drunk. He put them on and started to dance around.

Remember for the record. I don’t drink or do drugs I just photograph those that do…

Talk about tired that was another long day. More tomorrow.



