SIGGRAPH 2003 – Day 1

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Hi all, sorry for the delay in posting. This first day has been a Long one. Stick around there is some good stuff.

So in the airport in Cleveland I run into Jurgen Faust from the Cleveland Institute of Art on his way to San Diego. I will get a better picture of him later in the week.

I love seeing the mountains from the air. I have a lot more than these but I won’t be posting them here.

Dinner Saturday night. It looks like I am going to eat healthy but I didn’t eat the lettuce.

On Sunday I registered and went to find my artwork. After hunting down the box they found me a primo space and let me stick around for the hanging. They people were super nice and did a great job.

SIGGRAPH is really held together by the student volunteers like this guy over here – Jason Page. It was his first time and he was very enthusiastic and very helpful.

This is a view of the convention center from the escalator. Just wait till I bring my 3D camera to shoot.

The very helpful folks and the membership booth looked up my info so I could get discounts on the gift shop. They wanted to know what was in it for them so I am posting their picture as payment. Now we are even.

Funny story. This guy was looking to find a computer, I asked ‘to check your e-mail’ and he said ‘no, have to file my unemployment’. If there is anyone from the state looking he really was here looking for work.

The book sale. Every book you ever wanted is here, to touch, flip through and purchase at a discount. I was already carrying so much I figured I would wait and look tomorrow.

This works is huge. And the posterized effect is enamel on metal. A great idea and a great implementation. Sorry for the glare.


There is this tent covered courtyard attached both halves of the convention center. It is were the food is. It wasn’t too expensive (it wasn’t cheap though) and I did find my tacos filling.

My big stop for the day was to view the art and emerging technologies. I am bound to hit emerging technologies again before I leave.

A fantastic idea here. Using thermal imaging to ‘key’ a person out of a video background without green or blue. It was a nice demo but the water bottle in my pocket fooled it a little. In general a good idea and they presented very well.

A PDA interactive thing. For location tracking they are using a person’s weight on the floor. It has something to do with color space, I hope to get to try it myself. I like how the put the PDA in something larger.

Some really nice art. I love multidimensional work like this. It was very well done/

This globe screen was very nice. And they were able to show multiple applications on it. I am going to go back and get more details.

Some art and technology project involving music. You moved the things around the the music changed.

This is a 3D Illusions display. That’s what is said. It is a high rez 3D monitor I want to find more details.

Last year these guys were here doing force feedback touch with a vibrating thing you put on your finger. This year it looks like they are using electrical impulses. I didn’t try yet.

Virtual eating. I have no comment.

Motion tracking on the screen updates the 3D content on the fly. Nice idea, looked a little prototypy.

Little motors moved the furniture around the table in various configurations. Fun to watch them dance.

Interactive art and music using your body to paint and play.

I liked the twin polarized projectors for the 3D display.

Smart furniture tells you how to assemble it. What goes where and when you are doing it wrong.

Some really get 3D sculptural work (by 3 different artists).

OK, best in show so far. The virtual projected keyboard is: A good idea, well done, and it works. They said they should ship in the fall and I can’t wait to see these thing integrated into PDAs. WOW.

The light was tracking this guy around because someone on the Internet had picked him.

Another fun idea. Instead of a screen this is fog. You can touch and walk through it. I saw something similar at Disney with a water wall as the screen.

The sign read Please DO touch. And the ripples are funky.


The SIGGRAPH Chapters Mascot.

Alyn, the head of this year’s conference. Doing a great job (thanks for the five spot).

They are drawing with legos, I am told it will be huge. Updates over the next few days on this one.

I imagined this coming out of a tiny box and them just stretching it open like at the toy store.

They were working though.

VR something, I go back tomorrow. I think I would get tired hold my arm out.

Mike Hilliard from the Cleveland Museum of Art – our Chapter Chair. He warned me that he volunteered us for a bunch of stuff. I will kill him when I get back to Cleveland.

Some old familiar faces. Why is Chris looking like a muppet though?

Some old faces and a new one. Vicki is her university’s Blackboard person. I was going get her a number for the national Blackboard coordinator’s emotional support group. 🙂

This year I didn’t just take her picture but she gave me directions at the Pathfinders booth.

Vintage technology clothing. He not only owns an O2 hate but the O2 itself.

I forget why she was doing this. Something about it looking cool under a blacklight. She was good though.

I will explain this tomorrow.

Uniting Softball and New Media. A hybrid of skills if ever there was one.

She told me that there was a Sandcastle content in Imperial Beach and that the judging was at 5:30. So since it was 5 I ran back to the hotel grabbed my cameras and caught a taxi.

This is like one of the major US Sandcastle competitions and while an expensive cab ride it would be worth it to augment my real castle collection.

Regretfully, the competition ended at 2, judging at 4, the tide a little later and there was NOTHING left.

No bad feeling I did see the ocean.

My very nice taxi driver from Nigeria. He is smiling case he just emptied my wallet 🙂 Actually he was very nice and if I had needed to stay longer was going to turn the meter off for me.

So I went to the Artist reception at the San Diego Art Institute.

While there I met Richard Miller. He does a bit of everything from law enforcement, to photography to acting. A real nice guy.

Some nice architecture here.

I love fun signs.

A portable ATM which I needed after that cab ride.

Lisa and Lucy were nice enough to give me a lift from the one reception to the other. Save me an 18 block walk.

But I was too early so I went to the Historic Gaslight district for dinner.

I love salmon.

The next reception was overpacked. 200 person capacity and people were standing outside to watch the artist paint the dancer in front of the animation.

This guy has been harassing me all day. Or was I harassing him.

I like to explain the lighting of this shot. You see the light in her eye is coming from the glare of his very shiny forehead. Really, look for yourself.

The Sake barrel opening was after the dancing and was standing room only.

The very nice Dona J. Geib and Helen Golden both artists and in the art gallery this year.

The famous/infamous Chris regailing us with stories of his little one. He does bring up a good question. How in the world do babies learn to point and click so early.

Talk about tired that was a 15 hour day. Again sorry for the delay. More tomorrow.



