Author: admin

  • SIGGRAPH 2006 – Day 8

    SIGGRAPH 2006 – Day 8 Day 8 – wow this has been a long trip. Well this isn’t really SIGGRAPH but when you see the pictures it really is. We started out by taking the T up to Harvard so Jenny could see the bookstore and buy some clothing. Here we are! — I though…

  • SIGGRAPH 2006 – Day 7

    SIGGRAPH 2006 – Day 7 Wow – Day 7 and the last official day of SIGGRAPH. We are going to spend two more days here though: going to MIT on Friday and the Museums on Saturday – I may or may not post those days I haven’t decided yet. So we had to get to…

  • SIGGRAPH 2006 – Day 6

    SIGGRAPH 2006 – Day 6 Day 6 – another long day – I’m speaking today so I figured I would try to pick up some of the slack in the meantime. — First we went back the e-tech and I saw this robotic hand. — And the this very nice very large autostereoscopic display. I…

  • SIGGRAPH 2006 – Day 5

    SIGGRAPH 2006 – Day 5 Day 5 – we were going to hit a course in the morning but the bus was late – well first we were late but then the bus was late so we just went right to the show. The exhibition opened and boy was it a long day (as you…

  • SIGGRAPH 2006 – Day 4

    SIGGRAPH 2006 – Day 4 Hey all – day 4 here. I was asked how I do this and I figured I would start by saying it does take time. Most years when I get back to the hotel I download the pictures from the camera to the computer, delete the bad ones, sort the…

  • SIGGRAPH 2006 – Day 3

    SIGGRAPH 2006 – Day 3 So here we are Day 3 or Sunday as I like to call it. Technical difficulties – sorry for the delay and any spelling mistakes! We had to be at the Chapters booth at 8am so I could get my Media Pass (and Jenny her Conference Access Pass). We boarded…

  • SIGGRAPH 2006 – Day 2

    SIGGRAPH 2006 – Day 2 So here I go again – I figured out that I might as well just take 640×480 shots so I can transfer them easier and since I plan on never printing them. I will try and posting multiple pictures per entry to see how this goes. Stared off first thing…

  • SIGGRAPH 2006 – Day 1

    SIGGRAPH 2006 – Day 1 Welcome to my SIGGRAPH 2006 website – yes I know it looks like a blog and in fact IS a blog but when I get home it won’t be. Do NOT bookmark this page! It will be really bad to try and view this blog which might have 400+ photos…

  • SIGGRAPH 2005 – Day 7

    SIGGRAPH 2005 Picture Page 7 —Here we go again!! Thursday – The day I present!— Larry and Me presenting Pocket Virtual Worlds at the Educator’s QuickTake at 8am. Pictures courtesy of Genevieve. And there were more than 30 people there!! — The Educator’s Incubator had a some physical stuff like this. — And a DDR…

  • SIGGRAPH 2005 – Day 6

    SIGGRAPH 2005 Picture Page 6 — Here we go again!! Wednesday — Jurgen from CIA and Len from CMA. Trust me this is a bad photo they look much better in person. — A second look at E-tech this touch screen thing is amazing. — The guys from the Detroit Chapter – very nice they…