SIGGRAPH 2006 – Day 7
Wow – Day 7 and the last official day of SIGGRAPH. We are going to spend two more days here though: going to MIT on Friday and the Museums on Saturday – I may or may not post those days I haven’t decided yet.
So we had to get to the conference early because I was presenting at 8am.
On the way in I looked at some of the student poster competition – some really nice work:
The morning talk went great and people asked some good questions – it wasn’t as full as it could have been (actually Jenny took these before we did have SOME people there).
Student Volunteers!! The one on the left is/was from Cleveland.
We then went to see the research posters. I took pictures to remind me which ones I need to investigate more.
Because I am media – Jenny and I stopped into the media lounge and she snagged a free cup of coffee and I grabbed a cookie.
We then stopped up at the Dreamworks recruiting suite to try and win a camera – alas no camera. Jenny went to the show floor and I went back to attend a class.
After the class we went to see the last of etch we missed.
I liked the augmented reality setup it was simple and they altered what the camera saw to match the CG instead of the other way around.
Then we went and felt up this green robot – again augmented reality – they talked about you being able to interact with celebrities and I kept thinking of the Futurama episode where Fry dated Lucy Lui.
Interesting box device that uses head tracking to change the view as you walk around.
I didn’t try this. They strap an electrode array on your forehead and you ‘feel’ what you are seeing. It’s designed to help blind people. They had a release form. I watched.
Robotic toys.
Some fingertip pointing device that felt so 2005 – y’know what I mean?
So after e-tech we went to visit the show floor again for a few. We started by looking at the elctrostim devices that make pain go away – we tried it but we didn’t buy.
They have so many ways of capturing data. In this technique they rub luminescent makeup on her and the cameras can only see that. Very strange.
Jenny went and tried the haptic pen – she was sculpting great. This guy does educational reselling and he was the best prices I have seen yet.
Went back to Second Life and I finally met Pathfinder Linden (ie John Lester) – nice to meet you face to face! He also had this rockin’ abacus watch he got in Japan – I want one!
Then I noticed that one of the 3D printer companies had the new cheap laser scanner and samples of copies out – very nice – I ‘hear’ you can scan faces if you keep your eyes closed. But its not designed for it.
This guy sells those great button panels. His last name is Slider – I thought that was funny.
The show is almost over and you can see Dave from CIA hard at work in the booth.
And then BAM it was over – the bagpipes played and they started to roll it up.
We went by the membership booth but alas:
One last stop to the haptic invisible teapot because I heard you can make it play the entire “I’m a little teapot” song. Which I did!
This nice lady gave us directions to the party we were headed to (yes one more party). She kept saying “Its not as bad as you think”. Which was ok because we didn’t think it was going to be bad.
No more green wristband – no more busses. Though to be honest we had to catch quite a few cabs while we were here.
The Spirit of Boston
A Jellyfish in the harbor. I really haven’t seen them in the wild. Jenny has and she says they hurt bad.
The new Museum (not quite open).
And the Barking Crab (what a dive).
Hanging with the Detroit crew one last time – we will meet up with them again soon – maybe in Toledo!
One the way back we saw an outdoor market.
Some public electronic sculpture.
And a very strange bit of architecture. I loved it.
Then we went back to the hotel and crashed (pretty early too) it was a long day and we have quite a bit to do tomorrow.
We are going to Harvard, MIT, and then the Freedom Trail.
See ya soon. I will post something tomorrow – OK