SIGGRAPH 1999 – Day 3

Picture Page 3

—The exhibit floor was open and I have a ton of pictures.

The Brothers Hash- Animation Master is still under $200.

The Haptic Pen- Force feedback sculpting. Tomorrow I get a whole hour on it.

This one company Laser scans your head. While in line this girl walks buy, what a great outfit, then they scanned my head and this is my head’s data,later they will print it in 3d and mail it to me.


Beta software: Take 2 photos for a standard 3d image and get a 3d dataset. They say it will be $99 when released. Sounds good to me.

Okino graphics. Translates everything to anything. I use it so I stopped by.

Big dragon. You can do art with those 3d printers. That’s why we should get one.

3D cube. Interesting way of working in 3space. Does it make you arms tired though?

Stereo motion display. Smaller than last year, just as rugged looking. A lab of these and some nice software could certainly enhance a curriculum.

3D Monitor. Not like the lenticular one I saw last year. BUT it does show a 3d image on a monitor without glasses and the interface to display it is fairly standard. Nice idea.

3D Printer, but this one uses cornstarch and sugar water as the medium. Its a cookie.

The cube interface device from 97 and 98 turns into this which is almost ready for market. Not its final design but damn close.

VR tablet like display. You hold the handles and move it around by its suspended wire while standing to navigate. At least they don’t make you carry it.

Lenticular Titanic. You can’t begin to describe the Lenticular booth. They sell the software, the lenses, and they are just kewl. Need to show off your 3d. This is something to do.

Example of weird display. The kind that makes you go, wow that cost a lot, but who are they?

I am in heaven. It’s a commercial wearable computer. I want one.

Wearable display, computer, keyboard, on me, close-up of headset with camera.

Holographic Film.The viewers for these are currently costly but the film images themselves are very inexpensive and if you really want to show ANY dataset these people will make it right. They have prototypes to make it even cheaper sooner so who knows they might give lenticular a run for some of the biz.

Doug talks with his hands at an Italian restaurant. You had to be there. I was.

And the Hash guys threw a party. Videos. Sheep (yes sheep). Drinks. Food. And weird people, lots of people. Oh and a baseball cap thanks guys.

Look its Steph Greeberg

Here we see Martin give the keynote address

and watch as the Tall Man Fixes the VCR

Ken Baer owes me a beer

Martin is still giving the keynote address

look at the huge crowd

Martin has a beer and of course has stopped giving his keynote address

Mike Comet profile..and front

Up Marshall’s nose I don’t know why I took this picture

Ted Gordon and Sean McMenemy from Idea Central.

More tomorrow I’m already tired.






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